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Pic Credit : Anant Kamat Bambolkar |
Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Curious Case Of Rat Race..!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Common Shame To The Wealthys Game..

'The Best Thing About Corruption As A System Of Governance Is That It Works So Well’ – Gregory David Roberts has rightly written in his book ‘Shantaram’ what today seems to be the well known thumb rule as far as Indian administration is concerned. In yet another striking but customary revelation, the Commonwealth Organizing Committee has been allegedly involved in host of foul activities that would not only fill up their own paunches but would go a long way in vitiating the repute of our Nation. The allegations regarding corruption involved in construction of stadia, distribution of tickets are sure to make India a laughing stock all around the world. And we Indians with our inherent quality of demeaning ourselves are leaving no stones unturned to make sure we are in the news for all the wrong reasons.
The news of how our country is impotent in organizing an event of such magnitude has been flashing all over some of our ‘credible’ news channels. Let’s face the fact first. Corruption does exist. I would like to stick my neck out and say that organizing any event at such a huge scale cannot remain absolutely corruption free. But the extent to which it has been magnified and glorified is only going to harm our image as country vying to host Olympics in near future. We always wonder how India, a country of 1 billion, is unable to produce a single athlete of Olympics stature. What we don’t take into account is how, for every single person trying to climb up the ladder, there are 10 people trying to plot his downfall!
I was casually browsing through a website which listed all the news pertaining to the games for the last 1 year. Unfortunately I couldn’t bump into any news that did actually show the games in a positive light. Again I have no idea what kind of signal are we trying to send to the outside world. Media’s obsession with negativity has attained a whole new level in the past decade. I guess in any other country these issues would have been brought to light but surely not at the expense of all the positive work carried out by the authorities. I still remember how we used to back our college in inter-collegiate competitions, brushing aside all the internal matters like teaching frailties, Internal grudges etc. Why should it be any different when it comes to our own country? How can we allow the magnificence and the richness of this country to be overshadowed by few thick-skinned bureaucrats who are nothing more than blood sucking parasites trying to acquire mileage at the cost of country's development?
Why can’t we highlight the impact the games will have in boosting the sporting spirit in India and encourage sports other than cricket? How many of us know that these Games are to be ‘solar powered’ and Reliance RIL Solar Group has implemented India’s first 1MW solar PV power plant to power a stadium? Why has there been no spotlight on the immense employment that these games have generated? How come no one is looking at amount of revenue the number of tourist flocking into the capital to watch the games will generate? Why is that we can’t take effort to exhibit sophisticated technology of international standards that is being used by the government along with private enterprise to renovate and repair new-grade separators, flyovers, bridges and roads? Why isn’t anyone looking at how these games will create an atmosphere for economic, social as well as political cooperation between the member nations?
Today, as we brace ourselves to host the third largest multi-sport event in the world, I am pretty clear that these games will surely be a success but how much they will contribute in restoring the dent created in India’s image is still hazy to me. The successful conduct of these games will go a long way in strengthening India's position as a 'Soft Power'. I sincerely hope that the concerned authorities will pull themselves to put together a scintillating show, and also that the media takes up a responsible role in portraying the games in a disciplined manner and finally, hoping that we can serve as the perfect hosts.
Post Script: In an “emotional appeal” with a visual of the Indian tricolor published in all leading newspapers on the weekend, industrialist Subrata Roy has flayed the “recent continuous and negative media coverage” that has left organizers and volunteers feeling “totally demoralized and dejected”. The media, Roy said, has overdone it, “causing very big damage in maligning the image of our country”.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Soul Odyssey..
‘There is no way you are getting up at 6.30 in the morning, that too on a weekend’ one of my roommates threw a gauntlet at me. But this was not like any other lazy Saturday. The OSP (Oracle Solution Practice) team at Cognizant had taken up a noble initiative of adopting a deprived school somewhere on the outskirts of Pune. A school in Velle district, around 80kms from Pune city was to be our destination. At 7.45 A.M I boarded the Toyota and we were all set to roll. At that point, little did I realize that, what was supposed to be a brief sojourn we had embarked on for enlightening the ‘little souls’ would turn out to be an epic journey that would leave all of us in a soul searching mode of our own.
As soon as we left the hubbub of the city, we were greeted by blazing mountains which engulfed us on all the four sides. Barring tarred road everything else we could see was sheathed with a green blanket. The clouds too were vying for attention but somewhat subdued sun was giving it a tough competition. It was close to impossible to get our eyes off such a pleasing visual treat. I pitied the driver for he had to keep his eyeballs strictly on the road ahead. A brief halt for breakfast gave us a much needed break to admire the mother earth in its most pristine form. As the highways gave way to two lane roads which in turn were superseded by single lane village roads we had a kind of anxious feeling as we drew closer and closer to our destination. In no time we had left behind the 'New' India and I quietly braced myself to face the 'Real' India.
The sounds of chatter and rumble were enough for us to know that we were finally there. Dozens of puerile heads were patiently awaiting our arrival. We were then taken to the place where the children used to learn. 'School is a Temple Of Learning' has for long been one of the most sought after essay topics for the school teachers. But this topic would need, to speak strictly in software terms, a little bit of ‘customization’ if we were to present it to these children. It was because in here it was actually a temple where the school was being run..Right from 1st medium till the 8th!..Immediately my mind wandered to my school days when we used to grumble for not having with good quality benches. The fact that some of them had to walk 7 KMs one way to attend the school sent a chill down my spine and my legs suddenly felt numb.
A dainty little girl applied ‘tika’ to our foreheads as we entered the school premises. The welcome ceremony was comprised of presenting us with a bouquet of myriad flowers handpicked and handmade by the little kids themselves. The fragrance of our deodorants paled in comparison to scent that erupted from those tiny flowers. The little artists then staged couple of folk songs which were, considering the language was alien to me, very pleasing to the ears. The fun continued with the question-answer session that followed the welcome ceremony. As Martin H. Fischer aptly put it “The entire world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind”, the seemingly innocent kids came up with such astute questions that at times even our able volunteers were bamboozled. Questions like 'Who is God?', 'How did the sun came into existence?', 'How does the projector work?' gave us a glimpse into the minds of these little Einsteins. Hats off to our volunteers as they were able to ideate such surreal answers to the tricky questions. The brainstorming session was followed by distribution of books to children at various levels.
As the day progressed the kids were treated with magic shows, educational cartoons, craft sessions and many more fun activities. Irrespective of the activity there was one thing we could not miss. It was an unmistakable happiness in the eyes of those little souls. And considering you, albeit in a small way, have contributed towards the glint in their eyes gave you immense satisfaction. And the fact that these kids gave us a chance to be one of their own helped us regain the child like vigor which was long lost in the swarm of IT savvy professionals. When we had reached here our sole aim was to make them feel special but in reality it was they who made us feel that we were special which was indeed very touching.
The lunch that followed was, I would say, one of the best meals I have had in quite a sometime. After all it had the most important ingredients of all - The warmth and the affection of the village dwellers. As we bid farewell to the village, an epochal responsibility beckoned us - the responsibility of carrying this school forward. This trip was a small step towards fulfilling this promise. I would like to sincerely thank Ashwin Bramhe, the chief architect of this initiative, and the outreach volunteers for giving us an opportunity to be a part of such a noble cause.
Post Script: On our way to the village we were enlightened with the fact that there was another village nearby which was accessible only on foot. People there had to walk for 2 hours just to come in contact with outside world. The name of the village was ‘SINGAPORE’. How ironic!! I thought.
POSTER COURTESY: http://mr-ram.blogspot.com/!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Its 11th March !! Wait a sec…This date means something to me..but what?...Ah got it..Its my Birthdate!!
So as it happens every year, this year too on 11th March ,I was poured with n number of birthday wishes.
‘Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional’…
‘Some words of wisdom for your birthday, "Smile while you still have teeth!’…
But this post is not about the wishes I got on my natal day. Its about frantic birthday celebrations that occur in a place called KP. Its about yobs who proudly call themselves KPians. Its about a BUM Blast in KP. Unfortunately for me, this time around, the BUM we are talking about here was mine!!
The eve of my birthday started with KPians throwing some teasers of the events to follow. I was told to get ready for some hairdrier treatment. And I would know what that meant later that night. They did all the possible things to dent my psyche. Some people did warm up exercises before me while others told me ways to minimize the suffering. There were not gonna be any surprises this time around.. The plans were set and I was the target…in fact it was my BUM. I was fully made aware of this blueprint but the irony of the situation was such that there was nothing I could do!..’You a’int gonna escape from the clutches of these fierce animals this time around’ my inner self told me. I was about to get a taste of my own medicine!!!!
The moments leading to the ‘THE MOMENT’ were filled with me thinking how I would face these brutes getting their 2 ½ kg limbs on my sweet little BUM. Perhaps looking at my feeble body, they will surely show me some mercy - I tried to hope against the hope. As the moment drew closer my heart started beating rigorously. And finally when THE MOMENT, for which I was not so eagerly waiting for, came as the clock hit 12! I had seen KICKASS MORNINGS on TV once, but it was time to experience KICKASS NIGHT!!!!
I was escorted from balcony to hall by a bouncer with a mischievous smile. When I reached the hall I found things pretty unusual. The black forest cake which was brought on the occasion was being given least coverage! This was not all.. the guys were flexing their muscles and taking snaps of their .. well husky legs! Yes it may sound like gayish behavior right now, but that was not to be.! ‘Vaish its gonna be nasty down here’ I told myself. I had to remind the dudes that there was something called ‘Cake’ waiting for me to make incisions into it. As soon as I cut the forest in no time I was drowned in it. It was all over me. In KP the birthday cake is not meant for eating, I recollected while I was being readied for the KP ritual. At the same time my face was being continuously bombarded with snow foam. The cake and foam mixture made its way to places which I didn’t even know existed.
And then came the time which I and my BUM will not be able to forget in years to come. I had no option but to surrender myself to the encircling hooligans. I was lifted in the air and with no mercy whatsoever my BUM was subjected to utmost agony. It was as if my BUM was a magnet and the 20 odd legs were made of iron! The maiming continued for a few minutes but it was eternity for me! When one player got tired, some other dude took his place. I was given no rest though! I was not even given time to feel the pain..no sooner did one leg made its impression on my BUM other was waiting its turn. To speak in software terms my BUM was a open source..free for all!!! Finally it was over. I was given some breathing space after all.
The geyser was on and warm water was awaiting me n my bruised BUM. While the warm water was nursing my wounds, up came the question in my mind ‘Is this the best birthday celebration I ve had?’ and up came the answer through my heart..Yaaass! And instantly I realized one thing. The impressions made on my BUM were very faint as compared to the ones made by KPians on my heart!!
To round it off just 1 more suggestion from my side..If in case at any point in life you wanna experience what a fantASStic birthday celebration is..just stop by KP on the eve of your birthday and the KPians will take care of the rest!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
God Was Always Visible..Its Just That The People Were Blind!!

When we reached there, HE was batting on 96. I saw HIM bat with brutal determination which was surely missed when HE was getting out in the 90's. So I thought that No.46 was safely in HIS grasp. And as it turned out it surely was. Once HE got to this milestone the time had come to change the gears, the time had come to show the planet that he was IMMORTAL. What followed in the next hour or so left us gasping for breath. HE kept the ball boys busy. The ground seemed smaller than it actually was. No bowler was spared. There's no 'PITY' word in HIS dictionary. It was absolute carnage. HIS pitch map was filling fast. HE reached HIS 150 in no time. For once the bowlers started getting cramps. The mental wounds inflicted by HIM on the bowlers psyche were much deeper than the swollen eye and ruptured web with which they were bowling. HE is a sadist when HE has a bat in hand and bowlers running in to bowl at HIM.
But even after this display the thought of 200 was remote. Once HE crossed 180 mark is when we thought it was achievable. The time was there and the poise with which he was batting I thought we were about to watch something unimaginable even by HIS highest standards. Captain was giving HIM a good company. HE quickly past HIS previous best of 186. The next milestone was 194 - The highest score in ODIs. Without much fuss HE got past that too. Meanwhile the overall score had crossed 350 mark but no one really seemed to care. Because the moment, which we all had been waiting for, was nearing. HE was on 195 in 46th over and we thought it would be a cakewalk for HIM. But the script had its own twists. When the 49th over started HE was batting on 199 but the strike was with the Captain. He would go on and play the entire over hitting 2 sixes and a four and even end up taking a run of the last ball to keep strike. 6 balls 1 run..'Common give the strike to GOD you DOG' I said loudly.As it happened he would get strike only for the third ball and that is what he required -just 1 ball.
The fate was sealed. Atheists were compelled to believe that GOD exists after all and HE is one of us. In the presentation ceremony after the match HE said and i quote 'I would like to dedicate this double hundred to all the people of India who stood with me for the last 20 years.' I proudly say that I am one of the millions of people who stood by HIM through thick and thins of this remarkable voyage. May this journey never end. May the GOD be always with us.